Deforestation Poem

1 min readJan 26, 2021
Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash

I wait and wait as dawn goes by

To fill my need and satisfy

I watch the trees all stiff and long

And wonder how can anything go wrong

But as the sun begins to settle

I see smoke come out like a kettle

Big machineries with sharp claws

Snap the trees with their jaws

I see now of what has become

They’ve pluck the trees just like a plum

And I tell myself what madness

To see all of this sadness

To see such happiness disappear

Fills me up with such fear

And for what cost I ask myself

To get some money for thyself

And now as it turns into night

I am left with such a fright

Our greed is getting worst and worst

This money is becoming such a curse

And now as I sit down and cry in shame

I wonder to myself will it ever be the same.

